Sharyl Attkisson Resigns from CBS News With Five Words On Twitter; CBS Too Liberal?

Sharyl Attkisson, took to Twitter to announce she was leaving  CBS News. The investigative journalist who made a career of going after both sides in Washington tweeted just five words: "I have resigned from CBS."

Reporter Sharyl Attkisson, whose reporting has been marred by factual problems making her a Fox News hero, resigned, according to Politico's Dylan Byers, from CBS because she "had grown frustrated with what she saw as the network's liberal bias." Although some at CBS felt Attkisson's reporting was "agenda-driven, [which] had led network executives to doubt the impartiality of her reporting."

In a statement, Sharyl Attkisson said "It's been one of life's great privileges to work at CBS News, and I'm sincerely grateful for the many opportunities I've had."

Reports say Attkisson was frustrated with what she saw as the network's liberal bias who felt like she had to struggle to get her pieces on the air. Liberals say Attkisson is a mainstream investigative journalist whose work was driven by an agenda. Conservative personalities describe Sharyl Attkisson as a gutsy reporter who stood up CBS's liberal bias after they dropped her Benghazi coverage and other Obama administration evasions. Sources say CBS and Attkisson had acrimonious contract negotiations which fell apart.

Sharyl Attkisson has been with CBS News for two decades.

Sean Hannity called Attkisson a "really, really strong, good reporter" who did "groundbreaking reports on Benghazi and Fast and Furious" on his Premiere Radio program. Hannity said Attkisson is "one of the few bright lights, I thought, in the mainstream media universe."

On May 2013, Hannity called Attkisson one of the "few mainstream media reporters who are actually gutsy enough to do real and tough reporting on this story, now they are being undermined by their news organizations."

On the May 6 edition of Special Report with Bret Baier: Brit Hume, a senior political analyst on Fox News, said "I note particularly reporting done on CBS News by Sharyl Attkisson who's a fine reporter as you and I both know. Over the weekend, she was out with a number of different reports. She had another report out today."

Last April, Attkisson began talking to CBS News President David Rhodes about getting out of her contract. Those negotiations were finalized on Monday. Attkisson says her resignation was "amicable" and she will be working on a book for HarperCollins, a division of NewsCorp.

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