‘Batman Vs Superman’ Cast Rumors: Cyborg Is In The Film Based on Football Game, Justice League Wars! Can Michael B. Jordan Play Two Super Heroes?

'Batman Vs Superman' Cast Rumors: Cyborg Is In The Film Based on Football Game, Justice League Wars! Can Michael B. Jordan Play Two Super Heroes?

The latest character addition on the "Batman Vs Superman" movie could be Cyborg. The clues are all around, foremost of which is the football game they shot. Henry Cavill would want that!

In a recent interview with Cavill that was part of the "Man of Steel" Blu-ray package, the young Clark Kent was asked which 'easter eggs' he preferred in the film. Transcribed by Screenrant:

"On the extras on the Blu-ray, we're going to get the opportunity to see Zack's references to other aspects of the DC Universe. There's one obvious one which is now particularly obvious because of our next installment, which is involving Batman as well. We see Bruce Wayne Enterprises on the satellite in space. We also see some references to LexCorp. I actually have no further knowledge of this next story, but there's a good chance Lex is going to be introduced soon or at some stage.

What really intrigued me was Dr. Emil Hamilton's connection to S.T.A.R. Labs. Cyborg I think would make a wonderful character and an incredible bridge between both superhumans and humanity in a different way to Batman. So I don't know where he's going to come in or if he's going to come in, but that's one I'm particularly excited about. Other references I'm not too sure on, but we'll see where those lead. Those with keen eyes will see them."

One clue that would also make a connection is the football game that they shot last year. Victor Stone AKA Cyborg is the character with a connection to the sport and to STAR Labs. The other clue is that the film is basing heavily on the Justice League Wars animated film where Cyborg features prominently. But who will play him?

Latino Review is at the forefront of this rumor, and as always, it is unconfirmed and the grain of salt comes in handy.

"..the production is currently looking for a black actor in his early 20s who is also physically fit. Here is the kicker though: the part is for a small role in the untitled Batman Vs Superman movie BUT will be recurring in other upcoming DCU films."

The connection to Jordan is made: "..Zack Snyder has met with hot actor Michael B. Jordan for the role."

But Jordan is already confirmed for the "Fantastic Four" as Johnny Storm! If the contract does not stipulate restrictions, and the shooting schedule permits, perhaps the upcoming actor may end up being in two different super hero groups at the same time. Or Snyder can choose someone else.

The unofficially titled "Batman Vs Superman" movie will face off with an unknown Marvel movie on May 6, 2016. 

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