‘Captain America 3’ Directors Named; Will Star Spangled Hero Take Over As Leader Of The Avengers? Sequel Will Affect The Entire Marvel Universe!

While the sequel for Captain America has yet to be released, the third installment is already confirmed-and the directors of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" will also return!

Suffice to say, Marvel is pleased with the product, and it did not even wait for the audience reactions. In contrast, Marvel kept dallying with "Thor 3" citing the need to gauge audience reception. Apparently, this was a sign that they were not so confident with director Alan Taylor (and it is rumored that Taylor would not come back).

Not so with Anthony and Joe Russo. They have been confirmed by Marvel according to Screenrant:

"Now that we're in the final stretch of pre-release marketing for The Winter Soldier and the film is beginning to screen, the Russos are finally able to chime in on that front and have confirmed that they will indeed be back to tell another Captain America adventure."

Apparently, the Winter Soldier got extremely positive reviews. It just shows that the brothers are really talented. While their background is comedy, they successfully directed the most serious Marvel movie to date, a superhero movie hidden under the guise of a political thriller.

In a group interview from the set, the Russo brothers share the secret which will get you 'hooked' on Captain America, and confirms the significance of the film on the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This particular excerpt from the group interview is from Screenrant: "

Joe: The initial sort of story arc is there. We did a lot of work just putting it in a voice. I think we edged it up a lot more, we came up with a lot of the set pieces just based on our love for '70s set pieces. They have a certain length to them. It's a journey that you go on when you watch them. They're story based - there's something at stake for four-and-a-half minutes while you're going, "Holy shit! What's going to happen here?" So we just did a reworking in that regard. But they had an excellent construct to the script that was very sound in where it was going and had some big ideas that they're exploring in the third act of this movie. It's sort of a monumental idea for the MCU."

On Captain America being the backdrop for the future of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and how Cap may assume a leadership role because of the implications in the movie:

"Joe: Yes, it's going to affect everything. That has always been there. It was easier to do the script work because it had such a strong spine. We were already playing with the themes that we wanted to push into it more. I relate to those themes of Cap and the loneliness that he feels, that sense of isolation that he has. That makes him an extremely endearing character. So we wanted to push those as far as we could. Again, in a political thriller you have to care about the guy. If you watch Three Days of The Condor, the first 10 minutes are all about Robert Redford being as charming as possible, and then the next 80 minutes are about "is that charming guy that you really like going to get killed by some really gnarly people?" It's a similar construct. We just try to get you to care as much as you can about Cap and then we put him in jeopardy for the rest of the movie."

"Captain America 3" will probably be released on 2017, but "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" will be out in less than a month-April 4, to be exact.

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