Terry Richardson Scandal Rumors Back Again; Celebrity Photographer Who Worked With Miley Cyrus & Other Big Shots Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Model During Shoot

Terry Richardson scandal rumors is back in circulation. Once again, the celebrity photographer who was worked with the likes of Miley Cyrus, LeBron James, and other big shots has been accused of sexual assault. A former female model, who hurls the allegations on the lensman, has gone public with her story on Reddit.

According to the Daily Beast, the anonymous model’s post went viral. In it she leveled claims of sexual assault agains the high profile and highly controversial photographer, who has been the photographer of choice of A-list celebrities, top fashion brands, and major magazines. While the thread has since been removed, the 24-year-old model, Charlotte Waters who now works as a nurse’s assistant in Los Angeles, has come forward claiming that she wrote the post.

In an exclusive interview with Vocative, the then 19-year-old female model at one of Terry Richardson’s shoots gave a detailed account of her experience.

Waters claims that within the first hour of the shoot, Richardson has allegedly licked her ass, had her squeeze his balls, and even ejaculated into her eye - all while making sure his assistant captured everything on film.

“It’s hard not to look back at this stuff and see that I was a rapists’s dream, completely naive and trusting, but passive and shy on top of that,” Waters said, as reported by The Daily Beast.

The photoshoot began like every other nude shoot Waters had done prior. She had her photo taken with her ID stating she was of legal age, and then she began to undress. The celebrity photographer requested she hold the top of his jeans while he shot her from above was when Waters became uncomfortable.

It was only going to get worst.

According to Water’s story, Richardson the pulled out his penis and got on the couch with Waters where he began to lick her, kiss her, and demand oral sex before ejaculating onto her face.

“He told me to keep my eyes open super wide,” Waters tells Vocative, as reported by The Daily Beast.

“His assistant was standing right there too, and his cum got in my eyes. This was actually his favorite moment. He got so excited. He kept telling me to keep my eyes open, and he grabbed his camera, and his assistant had her little point-and-shoot, and they were just taking all these pictures of it. Then they finally backed off and one of them got me a towel and told me to wipe myself off.”

This is not the first time that Terry Richardson is getting an accusation for his behavior on the set. Earlier he was accused by several models saying that he allegedly uses his influence to ignore boundaries with women. “Girls” star Lena Dunham has described the photographer as an “alleged sexual predator.”

“It is frustrating to see that he gets away with what he does, and is still working and getting paid a ton of money,” Waters told Vocative.

“But if you haven’t experienced him first hand and all the negative things about him are just rumors from unknown, random people, then why wouldn’t you work with him? So I don’t put any blame on the celebrities that have been photographed by him because they have no way of knowing the truth.”

A quick look at Terry’s Diary, the photographer’s official website, it noted that Terry Richardson has captured images of Academy Award winners Jared Leto and Lupita Nyong’o and world-famous designer Miuccia Prada.

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