Beyonce Partition Video Troubles Bill O' Reily? Fox New Host Accuses Queen Bey Of Promoting Teenage Pregnancy' Amongst 'Girls Of Color', Calls Jay Z Kanye West ‘Gangsta Rappers’

Bill O'Reily slammed Beyonce's 'Partition' video, calling it an 'exploitative garbage' that sends out wrong signals amongst the youth. 

The impromptu and what some Queen Bey fans feel, 'out of context' attack against Mrs. Carter's latest music video came during the interview with media mogul Russell Simmons.

Simmons was on the show for the promotion of his new book on meditation, but as it appears, got little chance to do that. The Fox News host, famous for his confronting ways, made no secret of his opinions on the new video and kept going back to expressing his amazement at the extent of sexual imageries and references used in it.

O'Reily Factor host remarked that video 'glorifies having sex in the back of a limousine, adding, 'Teenage girls look up to Beyoncé, particularly girls of color. She's an idol to them."

'Why would she do it when she knows the devastation that unwanted pregnancies - and fractured families - why would Beyoncé do that?' said an incredulous O'Reily.

On his part, Simmons tried his best to defend Jay Z's wife Beyonce and said, "She's a brilliant artist. And she's not only appreciated by people of color, as you know, she's really one of the top artists in the world to people of every color."

When Simmons referred to creative liberty in the video, 'Bill, if you think that art that comes out of a community is the cause of the struggle-,' O'Reily countered it with very caustic, 'That's art? 'Beyoncé in the back of a limo having sex and referencing Monica Lewinsky is art?'

O'Reily went on about the influence of 'harmful entertainment' on young children, teenage girls and adolescents, not always guided and supervised in matters of popular entertainment, very narrowly blaming everything on rap and hip hop culture, with his rather insidious remark "You have to attack the fundamental disease if you want to cure it. You're going to have to get people like Jay-Z, Kanye West - all these gangsta rappers - to knock it off."

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