Orphan Black Season 2 Spoiler: New Clone Introduced; Co-Creator Says She's Someone Cosima Would Hate To See

Will there be a new clone? This is the question most Orphan Black fans asked to casts, directors, and insiders as they prepare for the show which will come for a second campaign on April 19. On Thursday, this inquiry was finally answered; there will be a new clone. However, this new copy of Sarah, Rachel, Cosima, Elizabeth, Alison, and Helena (all played by Tatiana Maslany) only raised more questions.

Entertainment Weekly has been providing a lot of Orphan Black spoilers over the past few days and this clone was the one who received louder buzz. According to the entertainment website, as shared by co-creators Graeme Manson and John Fawcett, the new clone's name is Jennifer Fitzsimmons and she's the type that Cosima would hate to discover.

“Jennifer is a bright-eyed Midwestern pure of heart girl,” says Manson. But, as Fawcett explains, “Jennifer is a clone who was naïve, she didn’t know she was a clone, and was being monitored by her boyfriend. She gets sick, and with a kind of the version of the illness that Katja had. And of course, a version of the illness that Cosima has. Just that discovery alone is the kind of discovery that shakes Cosima. It really rattles her.”

On the video teaser, Jennifer shared how she got sick and who were the people behind her condition.

 “Every week the Dyad tries a new treatment. Nothing works. I’m just getting sicker.” Wait, the Dyad?!? Is Jennifer being treated by the Neolutionists? It appears so. “Dr. Leekie said he can help, but he lied.”

Orphan Black
Tatiana Maslany
BBC America
Entertainment Weekly
Jennifer Fitzsimmons
