IU Tears, "Kim Boa Trained With Me and Now She Finally Debuted"

IU shed tears.

In SBS 'Strong Heart' aired on May 22, IU came out as guest with Kim Boa. IU said, "I met her first when I entered as a trainee when I was fifteen. She has a voice that I could have never imagined and she helped me a lot with my singing. She's like my savior."

She continued, "I don't cry very easily. I don't cry even if I get a big award or get first place in anything, but when I saw SPICA’s debut stage, I shed endless tears."

IU said, "I got close to her because when we were getting trained, we both sucked at dancing. When the other girls were getting trained doing hard movements we kept doing basic movements. So I was so proud to see that she debuted as a dance singer showing her dance skills that is no less than other singers."

She finally added, "Please don't edit out Boa's part of today. I'm so proud to be on the same channel as the girl that I spent my hardest days with", shedding tears. Kim Boa and IU showed their strong friendship through a hug at the end.

Photo: SBS

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