Upcoming PS4 Games 2014: PlayStation 4-Exclusive Title ‘InFamous: Second Son’ Release Date Set For March 21 With Midnight Launch Over On PSN; Arrival Of MGS5 ‘Ground Zeroes’ Delayed

One of the upcoming PS4 games this 2014 is finally arriving this week.

According to a post on GameSpot, "inFamous: Second Son" release date is set for March 21. And for those who are planning to be one of the first gamers to get this PS4-exclusive title, the European Community Manager for Sony confirmed that the game will have a digital launch at the midnight of Infamous: Second Son release date over on PlayStation Network.

Check out the tweet from Chris Owen below:

Moreover, the game developer Sucker Punch revealed that inFamous: Second Son "will not support user-generated content as inFamous 2 did." Chris Zimmerman, the design director for the game, shared that the only 5 percent of the users who finished InFamous 2 publish a level.

Furthermore, the post on GameSpot also stated that the upcoming PS4 game will require a 24-GB install. But with the Playgo feature of the PS4, gamers will be allowed to begin playing inFamous: Second Son before the download process is complete.

As for other news about upcoming PS4 games, a separate post from GameSpot revealed that "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes" release date will be delayed in New Zealand and Australia. Instead of launching the game on the original "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes" release date, which is on March 21, the PS4 title will arrive a week later, particularly on March 27.

Also, it is still unclear if the digital release for "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes" on PSN will be affected by the delay.

Aside from being an upcoming PS4 game, "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes" will also be available for Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS3. The game arrives today, March 18, in North America.

Stay updated for more news about upcoming PS4 games this 2014.

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