RHONJ Teresa And Joe Guidice Guilty Reactions [Read Comments] Outrage On The Web As Real Housewives Of New Jersey Stars Receive Slap On The Wrist Sentences

 RHONJ Teresa And Joe Guidice Guilty plea deal has caused many reactions on the web. And the comments about Joe and Teresa are really angry! Any publication that reported on the Real Housewives Of New Jersey stars guilty plea deal had strong responses from readers.  The public is outraged that Joe and Teresa will most likely receive lighter sentences now that they've plead giulty at the advice of their big shot lawyers. The small punishment and pathetic potential sentences for the Guidice pair would have been much more severe for Teresa and Joe without the help of expensive lawyers negotiating the guilty plea dea. And where did the money Teresa and Joe spent on the lawyers come from exactly? Illegal means, right. So this is entirely unfair! Teresa and Joe Giudice commited so many crimes while on Real Housewives Of New Jersey with 4 small children in the home and people believe they are common thieves that should be held just as accountable as regular folks who'd be locked away forever. The guilty plea deal is cr*p and the angry reactions are completely just. 

The Guidice pair that was once expected to serve double digits years in jail will probably walk away with almost no time behind bars. Our judicial system is so out of wack, as these criminals will actually profit from their mistakes. Teresa actually thinks the whole situation will make her more famous and in demand! Teresa Guidice will most likely be given around 27 months in prison while Joe Giudice will receive about 5 years in jail. After months of saying they're not guilty, Teresa and Joe plea guilty to several counts of bankruptcy fraud, conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, and failing to pay taxes. The RHONJ stars settled for a much lower sentencing then if they were to fight the case in court. They were expected to go for 50 years each at first!  Is this fair? Joe Giudice, who isn't a US citizen, faces deportation after his jail time is up. Joe claims before the charges were brought upon him that he didn't even realize he was an Italian citizen and never got his correct paper work in the states. LOL! 

The comments written about Teresa and Joe Giudice guilty pleas are totally deserving as the pair have big money for defense lawyers but the money they have was obtained illegally, so it just isn't right and the guilty plea deal just seems like a total joke for the stars who are overprivaledged at the taxt payers expense. We all know that their fate will be mild in comparison to poor people who break the law.  Plus, Joe is clearly lying about his knowledge of citizenship as the Guidice family have traveled to Italy together on the show! What passport was Joe using to travel? He's dumb, but not that dumb. While some stars are supportive of Teresa and Joe's light sentence for pleading guilty, comments prove that most people are outraged at the plea deal they received.

I would like to repost the comments I found most interesting from across the web:

-The both of them are so dumb it's really laughable. They really think they deserve to live the life of luxury without working for it. He's an ignorant zip who belongs in Italy. He comes here living high on the hog, pays no taxes, drives drunk and then tries to get a false drivers license. Is this guy a moron or what? He deserves the book thrown at him. He thinks he's too smart for everyone. She's an idiot for believing in this idiot. Juicy Joe is gonna be real juicy for his inmates.

-Both of these losers could stand a good dose of humility - a nice stretch behind bars would be a great start."

-Why waste taxpayer dollars by sending him to Prison as he should be put on the next Air Italia Flight and send him back to Italy

-poor parenting, no discipline, no direction.....just oooogobs of entitlement, maxed out credit cards, rewarding for having done nothing to earn it.....and mp too much exposure into adult matters that children, especially the older daughter should never have been privvy to. That was too much for any child. She was put in the middle of adult disfunction and made to take sides which was really hard to watch. Not enough instruction on how the honor system works, and that working hard and having a purpose in life beyond shopping for things you cannot afford is how you get things in life. Not being handed everything without working for it. shame on them.

-"Having now confessed their wrongdoing, the Giudices face the real cost of their criminal conduct," said U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman.

-they admitted submitting fraudulent mortgage and loan applications and fabricating tax returns and W-2 forms.-Both pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and three types of bankruptcy fraud. Joe Giudice also pleaded guilty to failing to file a tax return for 2004, though he acknowledged he didn't file taxes on income of approximately $1 million between 2004 and 2008.

-"I will describe the choices I made, continue to take responsibility for my decisions and express my remorse to Judge Salas and the public," she wrote. "I am heartbroken that this is affecting my family - especially my four young daughters, who mean more to me than anything in the world."

-Interesting that they both insisted they were not guilty all this time. Great role models for their children.

-Yet, through it all, Teresa plays the victim. "My poor family"....what about all of the other people you've hurt? Are you heartbroken for them? When you're overstuffing your closets with designer clothes, driving luxury cars, going on vacations and the people that you've shorted are struggling to buy necessities, do you think about that?

-Why didn't they just claim Celebrity Immunity?

-They deserve more. The rest of us would have been crucified!

But Teresa and Joe have found some allies in their Housewives friends.  

Kim Depaola told Wetpaint, "Teresa has always been a very good friend to me. What I see is Teresa is a very good person, very good mother, wife, and daughter. I support her with anything she does, and I give her a lot of credit. It takes a lot of strength to step up to the plate, to say if you are wrong or right."

Kim continued, "I think she and Joe are going to weather this storm. They have a strong bond. A very strong bond. They're going to get through this." Teresa could use all of the support she can now. The guilty plea almost guarantees jail time for her and Joe and things will be very hard on the family.

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Dina Manzo tweeted to Teresa and her haters:

"It's all how you look at it...perception is everything. #StayPositive #ChooseLoveNotFear" and then later tweeted, "BTW if you get pleasure out of others' pain or even partake in the neg gossip of all...it says so much more about you than them. #thinkaboutit"

And former Jersey Housewives star Jacqueline Laurita wrote on Twitter. "Praying for a dear old friend and her family today."

Please tell me your comments below. We are very interested in your thoughts. Don't be shy!

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