‘True Detective’ Season 2 Plot Details: 'Secret Occult History' Of US Transportation System Refers to Route 66? Highway Has Been 'Historically Inspirational!'

"True Detective," the breakthrough series that inspired numerous theories and stimulated the imagination of the occult enthusiasts concluded its First Season. That means we need to discuss what Season 2 is about!

The next season of True Detective will no longer feature Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey as Marty and Rust respectively. It will be an entirely new cast of characters with an entirely new plot. Of course, it will still be a 'whodunit' series. There is a crime, an investigation and a quasi-resolution (as most viewers would complain, not all the loose ends were tied up).

In a lengthy interview with HitFix, series creator Nic Pizzolatto gave us the only clue so far: "This is really early, but I'll tell you (it's about) hard women, bad men and the secret occult history of the United States transportation system."

The statement was enough to ignite the imagination of all the occult and conspiracy theorists. But the 'US Transportation System' is broad, and it is very difficult to pinpoint which one of them has a 'secret occult history.'

It should be noted that the interview was done before the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, and it would be a grand coincidence if air transport was their intended subject.

The writer from Grantland, Tess Lynch, noted that there was actually another dropped clue from the interview: "Pizzolatto also gave some insight into what kind of crimes could build on the momentum of Season 1, stating that plenty of conspiracies spring to mind if  'you've been reading about the last 40 years of Southern California government.'

Lynch surmised that with the Southern California clue (if it is indeed a clue) would point to Route 66. She emphasizes that it is not, in any way a definite theory of what would happen. Her only basis is that the highway has had a colorful 'historical inspiration.' It has been referred to in rock songs like "Hotel California" which is also rumored to have occult/supernatural undertones. John Steinbeck called it "The Mother Road" in his novel "The Grapes of Wrath." Urban legends abound on the highway and traversing it will expose one to cultural and geographical diversity.

It was worth a shot, and if Route 66 was not Pizzolatto's idea, maybe it should be.

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