Viral Cupake Kid Video Reaches Ellen DeGeneres' Show! Mother And Son Get $10,000 And A Cupcake Tower For Being Adorable

In the viral cupcake debate video, 3-year-old Mateo reasons out with his mother Linda in order for him to have a cupcake. The funny video has been uploaded by the mother on YouTube which captured the attention of Ellen DeGeneres.

Mateo, the cupcake boy, and his mother appeared on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' last Tuesday (March 18) where the talk show host admitted that the video's "the most adorable thing ever." Nonetheless, DeGeneres didn't tolerate Mateo's bickering and told him not to argue with his mother.

In the cupcake video, Mateo keeps on calling her mother by her first name 'Linda'. Mateo's mom explains that her son calls her 'Mommy' but if he is serious in getting something, she suddenly goes by the name 'Linda'.

"'Linda' comes from debating, for like a cupcake. I'm usually 'mommy.' When he's serious, and he really wants to get his point across, then we become 'Linda' or 'Kenneth'," said the mother while pertaining to her husband.

The cupcake debate video has already earned 8 million views and as per the mother, some people could recognize them already.

"People working [at the airport] were running up to us. There were two gentlemen watching the video as we were standing in line. I mean it's awesome. It's great, but it's also just fame in an instant. It's crazy," she told Deseret News.

As a surprise, the generous television personality surprised the duo with a superhero cupcake tower. She likewise gifted the family with a spa gift certificate as well as a check from Shutterfly which amounted to $10,000.

DeGeneres is known for inviting all sorts of people to her show. One notable episode took place when she invited a waitress who paid for the bill of two American soldiers. The waitress also got $10,000 in exchange of her good deed.

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Ellen DeGeneres
Cupcake Kid
