‘Winds of Winter’ New Chapter Released By George R. R. Martin Rehashed? Publisher Still Doesn’t Know Release Date For ‘Song Of Fire And Ice’

"Winds of Winter" fans were satiated with an excerpt for the new chapter of "Song of Fire and Ice" released by George R. R. Martin in his website but it's actually not new, technically speaking. As to the date of release for the book, the publisher has no idea yet and the author still isn't talking.

George R. R. Martin revealed aboout "Winds of Winter" in his official blog that "the new chapter is actually an old chapter."

However, it's not something George R.R. Martin published or posted before. "And I don't even think I've read it at a con (could be wrong there, I've done readings at so many cons, it all tends to blur together). So it's new in that it is material that no one but my editors (well, and Parris, and David and Dan, and a few others) have ever seen before," he wrote.

"But it's old in that it was written a long time ago, predating any of the samples that you have seen. The first draft was, at any rate. I've rewritten it a dozen times since then," George R.R. Martin added.

Nevertheless, fans who think the release of the "Winds of Winter" chapter will mean the "Song of Fire and Ice" book is not far behind would be sorely disappointed.

Harper Collins publisher Jane Johnson told Variety that they haven't lined up a date for release of the latest "Winds of Winter" book as she has no idea when George R. R. Martin will deliver his latest opus.

"This is such a huge series and so convoluted and hard to structure as he approaches the end that it is going to take time to get exactly right," she said.

George R. R. Martin, however, already told the creators of the HBO hit "Game of Thrones" the "broadstrokes" of how "Winds of Winter" will end.

"If you know the ending, then you can lay the groundwork for it. And so we want to know how everything ends. We want to be able to set things up. So we just sat down with him and literally went through every character," David Benioff told Vanity Fair, as he added that they already have a backup plan should the show will catch up with the book.

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