Watch The ‘Gone Girl’ Trailer Starring Ben Affleck And Rosamund Pike; Who Is Behind Amy’s Mysterious Vanishing? [VIDEO]

The latest 'Gone Girl' trailer hints about the blissful marriage of Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike) which turned awry. On the day of their fifth anniversary, Amy mysteriously disappeared and worse, Nick was considered the prime suspect. Is he responsible for his wife's vanishing?

The 'Gone Girl' trailer and the film itself is based on Gillian Flynn's bestselling thriller novel. The first scene of the 'Gone Girl' trailer shows Nick during a candlelight vigil for his wife who vanished.

"As you all know, my wife, Amy Elliott Dunne, disappeared three days ago," he told the crowd. The trailer then focused on the couple's happy moments together and afterwards, how Nick copes with the pain and confusion that came with Amy's disappearance.

While the 'Gone Girl' trailer has limited words, it isn't lacking of emotion. It shows the exhaustion Nick feels because of his day-and-night interaction with media and policemen. He likewise feels remorseful for losing his wife that he even smashed a glass.

The 'Gone Girl' preview then creepily ended with Amy seemingly drowning and with Nick's haunting statement: "I did not kill my wife. I am not a murderer."

In 2012, Flynn's novel sold over 2 million copies. For this reason, fans of the dark novel cannot help but see if the film will give justice to the story which left them stunned. 'Gone Girl' movie will officially hit theater screens on October 3.

Apart from Affleck and Pike, other main stars included in the film are Emily Ratajkowski, Neil Patrick Harris, and Tyler Perry.

What do you think of the 'Gone Girl' trailer?

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Gone Girl
Ben Affleck
Rosamund Pike
