‘The Conjuring’ Curse: Scary Moments In The Movie Actually Happened In The Set! Actual Owners Of The Real Haunted House Would Not Set Foot On Their Former Home!

"The Conjuring" was one of the scariest movies in recent history. The frightful events looked very real-because it was! The cast, crew and the real family the story was based will attest.

"The Conjuring" was actually based on a true story, and since they wanted the movie to be as authentic as possible, director James Wan decided to shoot the film in the actual Perron family house. A house which former owner Carolyn Perron won't even enter!

From Listverse: "The family actually visited the movie set a few times, but could not convince Carolyn Perron to set foot near the place. Carolyn is the wife and mother in the family.

Strange events surrounded the making of the movie. Once, while the Perron family were on set, a strong wind came up and seemed to swirl around them. Members of crew standing nearby noticed that the trees just opposite them were not moving. At the same time, Carolyn, who stayed home in Atlanta, felt a strange, evil presence in her house. The next moment she fell down and had to be taken to the hospital."

But the haunting was not limited to the site itself. Actress Vera Farmiga had a supernatural, spine-chilling experience right after receiving the script through the internet! From Fandango, the incident was narrated by Producer Peter Safran:

"We'd sent her the script back in December and she's in New York. James [Wan] is in L.A. So she read it immediately. We got the call from her reps, who said she loved it and wanted to get on the phone with James, or Skype the next day. ... She went to sleep. She came back in the morning to get on her computer to Skype him and there were three deep scratches on her computer screen. Completely inexplicable. Like, they weren't there the night before when she read the screenplay on the computer, but they were there in the morning. And there was just no way to explain what it was but stuff like that has happened constantly."

Of course, the movie was made and eventually became one of the most successful supernatural horror films. It has already merited a sequel and a spin-off.

For better or worse, the Hollywood machine always trumps any curse! 

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‘The Conjuring’ Curse
