The Fault In Our Stars Movie: ‘Divergent’ Star Shailene Woodley ‘Turned-Off’ Director Josh Boone, Too Much Enthusiasm Almost Cost Her The Role!

The Fault In Our Stars movie cast Shailene Woodley "turned-off" director Josh Boone! Apparently, the 22-year-old "Divergent" star was too enthusiastic about the project that it almost cost her the role that she auditioned for.

Author John Green revealed that Woodley wrote a letter to him explaining why she should play the female lead role, "I think it was about 13,000 words long," says Green.

Woodley on the other hand, says that her intentions were pure, "I didn't want to do this movie as an actor, like, Look at me, I can cry."

However, her enthusiasm almost backfired. "It turned me off at first," Boone admitted, adding that he even thought that Woodley, 22, was too old for the part. The director explains that he was looking for someone closer to Hazel's age of 16.

While the team flew to Chicago, where they held casting auditions, they didn't expect what would happen next. "I liked her a lot personally, but I still didn't think she was Hazel," he says. But then she auditioned. "Within about two minutes, I knew it was going to be her," he admits. "I was on the floor. I thought, 'Why am I fighting this? There's nobody better than her. She's awesome.' "

Green, who was not in the room at the time of audition was in awe: "I suddenly was in a blind panic, jumping on the phone and screaming, 'We must lock this down! It has to be Shailene Woodley!' " He laughs. "She is Hazel."

The Fault in Our Stars movie is directed by Josh Boone, based on the highly acclaimed novel of John Green of the same name. The film will feature "Divergent" stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. The two will play the lead roles Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, two teenage cancer survivors whose life dramatically changed after they met.

While, most of the crying in the film was done by the actors, author John Green revealed that he did all of the crying while the film is in production during Yahoo press conference:

"Definitely me," Green admitted. "I cried a lot. I cried almost everyday."

"I cried because it was really overwhelming to me that all these really talented people were bringing so much passion and so much talent to the story that I'd written and giving it a new life," the author explained during the press conference.

Meanwhile, the stars were asked which scene in the movie was their favorite, to which Woodley answered instantly.

"The love scene, because to me it's very different than most love scenes in, quote unquote, young adult films," she answered. "It's treated with integrity. I think, oftentimes, our society looks at teenagers and sort of discredits their love or they say, 'Oh, it's cute. It's puppy love. They don't know what real love is.' And you look at adults and you're like, 'Are you actually happy?'"

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