Lee Hyori and Yoni P Enjoys an Final Episode Party of 'Golden 12'

Lee Hyori enjoyed an after party with her fellow members of 'Golden 12'.

After the 21st broadcast of the last episode of OnStyle 'Golden 12', Lee Hyori and her friends had an after party.

On the 25th, a member of the Golden 12 fashion designer Yoni P posted on her Twitter "We had so much fun yesterday. We took this photo as a joke but the setting and the colors are good~", along with a single photo.

In the revealed photo are 'Golden 12' members enjoying a small get-together at a very down-to-earth setting. Lee Hyori in her vintage style dress and heart aviators seems to be enjoying herself.

Those who saw the photo commented "I really enjoyed 'Golden 12' I'm sad it's over", "Wow Lee Hyori looks like a fashion model"

Photo Credit: YonyP Twitter

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Golden 12
yoni p
