LeBron James Conspiracy Theory States That Free Agency Frenzy Is A Scam To Weaken Other Teams! Big Three And Melo Will Not Move! San Antonio Spurs’ Coach Popovich Knows?

After all the conspiracy theories about LeBron James going to Cleveland or Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston. The farthest ahead is the Cleveland Cavaliers who has traded some key reserve players and draft picks! What if this was all a scam?

There are many skeptics who are questioning the real score. No columnist would openly admit their misgivings,  so let's leave it to the forums and comments:

User 'Slum C' of SB Nation:  "James, Bosh, and Wade, before the season began, plotted to make this free agency period a mess by feigning indecision when in reality they all intended to resign with the Heat. As a foreseeable result, teams have gutted rosters trying to make cap room to sign James or Bosh thereby weakening those teams and later forcing them to scramble and overpay the less sought after FAs. Now the Heat will face easier competition in the next season. The one fly in the ointment: San Antonio is immune to the FA scramble. The best laid plans ...."

Who would be above this frenzy than former spy Gregg Popovich?

Yes, Gregg Popovich was a spy-from the Dallas Morning News:

"They also remember the Popo who loved Elvis, majored in Russian studies and spoke that language fluently. While going through intelligence training, he apparently envisioned himself as a real-life James Bond.

Quoting Joe Kreimborg, Pop's teammate from the Air Force basketball team: "When he went to his Air Force spy school, he drove his Corvette and wore a $300 suit to his first assignment. He walked into the office, and they said, 'You need to go to Sears to buy a suit, and you'd probably be better off driving a Corvair.'"

True, San Antonio doesn't have the cap space or the need for a star, but they are pursuing Pau Gasol, which means they do have holes they want to fill.

They risk the ire of the fans' hatred, possibly forever but LeBron is probably used to that. Those who are skeptical on whether James would play for Dan Gilbert would believe this, and with the Cavs gutting their team, it seems like half the mission has been accomplished.

Is this crazy speculation or the actual reality that we couldn't see? Until Decision 2.0 comes to a halt, we would never know.

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LeBron James Conspiracy Theory
