Super Junior Shindong's "Manner Legs"

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Shindong revealed his "manner legs".

On July 8, Shindong of Super Junior updated his personal Twitter page stating, "Shindong's manner legs!" and included a photo of himself.

In the photo, Shindong is wearing an orange shirt with jeans while a stylist is fixing his hair. Meanwhile, Shindong's leds are spread side to side so that the stylist can have easier access to his hair. Although Shindong is quinting a little to last through the pain in his legs, the photo drew attention for his comedic thoughtfulness.

People in the online community who saw the photo commented, "Shindong is doing the manner legs also? All celebrities do that nowadays", "His stylist must have had an easy time doing his hair", and "Shindong has become so busy with the comeback of Super Junior".

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