Kim Jang Hoon Receives President Obama's Service Award

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The entertainment company of Kim Jang Hoon stated that on July 23rd, Kim Jang Hoon was rewarded with the President Obama's service award during the LA concert in the States.

During the Kim Jang Hoon One Men Show that was held in LA Nokia Theater, Kim Jang Hoon received five awards from the government of America. The last award was from the President of America, Barack Obama.

Prior to this, Kim Jang Hoon donated the guarantee that he got from shooting the advertisement for iTalkBB and from the LA concert. He especially donated 50,000 dollars to the rehab community for drug addict women and 8,000 dollars to Korean American church organization for disabled individuals.

The agency of the American concerts Peter Brian stated that "Kim Jang Hoon's act of donating 1,500,000,000 dollars in Korea, donating all of the gaurantee he got from concerts in China to protect the nature, giving back all of the guarantee to America from the amount he made in concerts made a huge impact on the relationship of Korea and America in the society. That's why he deserves to be rewarded with the service award."

Kim Jang Hoon said that "I wanted people to know that Korean people are very caring by donating and giving small performances. I hope the relationship between Korea and America becomes stronger." He added on by saying that "This donation is not from my self as an individual, but it's from all of the Korean people."

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