Girls' Gneration (SNSD) TIffany's Obsession with Bags, "They're Family"

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Girls' Generation Tiffany shows off her body in a bag photoshoot. 

On the 2nd of August Tiffany had a photoshoot for the Entertainment & Lifestyle magazine. In the photos her slim face is accentuated by diverse hairstyles-both the short cut as well as the long straight style. Her various dresses, killer skinny jeans, and shorts are matched with Beanpole accessories and New Kate bags of different bright colors. She showed off a vibe only she could pull off.

During the interview Tiffany revealed that she discussed the styling concepts with the SNSD stylist.

"I wanted the sexy yet lovely look, mixed with something girly. I thought it'd be fun to add a cute boyish look so we tried to mix in a bit of mannish style. Actually, when I first debuted I had short hair. I received a lot of love for the unisex look. I want to show everyone I have other looks people haven't seen yet," explained Tiffany.

When asked, "Do you have a particular liking for bags in real life?" TIffany replied, "To say it simply, bags are family to me. I carry my life in my bags so they're very important to me." She was then asked if she wanted to live a normal life. Tiffany responded, "Of course. I want to go places freely, and have my own time to shop and eat. However, I chose this path and as much as I want to do those things, what I'm doing matters a lot to me. It makes me want to take more responsibility and really be an example. I'm enjoying it- this whole lifestyle." Her positive attitude was very impressionable.

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