Gain, Sexy Picture From Back... Provocative Even Without Revealing Her Body

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Gain's sexy back picture is becoming an issue.

Recently in an online community forum, a picture was posted under 'Gain unedited picture, I didn't know it was to this extent.' The picture was taken at a filming site, where Gain is covering herself with a beige shawl. She is leaning against the fence prop, sticking her butt out. The pose revealed her glamorous body. Even though she had not revealed any part of her body, her S line was evident through the pose.

Internet users who saw this commented, "Is this really Gain? Her body is so nice," "All-kill from the back!," "Is she filming for a music video? Excited for her new album," and "I've never seen such a provocative picture with no revealing."

Photo Credit: Online Community

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