Girls' Generation Taeyeon Sleeping Pictures 'Commercial vs. Reality' Two Extreme Ends

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Girls' Generation's Taeyeon showed perfect beauty even while sleeping.

Recently in an online community forum, pictures were posted under 'Taeyeon's sleeping pictures, the two extremes of commercial and reality'.

In the revealed picture, Taeyeon is sleeping on a bed as a model for a bed brand, showing a peaceful sleeping image. But below that picture is the realistic sleeping picture of her, where she has no makeup, is wearing her pajamas, and has messy hair.

But whether in the commercial or in the realistic pictures, Taeyeon didn't cease to shine her beauty.

Internet users who saw this commented, "Taeyeon is pretty no matter what," "There's not that big of a difference," "She looks like a sleeping baby," and "So lovely."

Photo Credit: Online Community

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