IU Visits NC Soft Office Building, Uncle Fans Go Crazy

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Singer IU visiting office building drove male workers crazy.

Recently in an online community forum, pictures were posted under 'IU who visited NC Soft lab.' The pictures were from when IU visited the office building of NC Soft for MMORPG 'Ion 4.0' press conference as the public representative model.

After the press conference, IU visited the actual office building in a white hood and black shorts, driving her 'uncle fans' crazy. Even though the male fans took pictures of her from all over the place, she kept her beauty shining. The male fans holding their phones as close to IU as they can showed IU's popularity.

Internet users who saw this commented, "They got to see IU so close, I'm so jealous," "They're so happily smiling," "I wish she visited my work too," and "I think she would be really skinny in real life."

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