Halloween Horror Bridges The Netherworlds of Virtual Reality And The Real World To Scare People On The Holiday

Halloween, the celebration which is marked by hosting costume parties, enjoying horror movies, playing trick or treat and carving lanterns out of pumpkins, is the most sought after holiday for people.

National Retail Foundation expects the spending on Halloween 2015 may top $6.9 billion and 33.5% of shoppers will send Halloween greeting cards this year. To indulge more users to spread the fear in the virtual world, 123Greetings.com offers scary greetings that are in vogue among users, who are sending ghostly cards to friends and family.

"123Greetings.com incorporates holiday customs with contemporary aids so users can multiply their fun and excitements," Arvind Kajaria, Founder of 123Greetings.com, said in a statement.

"As our online users are large in number, it gives added advantage to enlarge the celebration and fun. Our Halloween greetings come in a variety of animation mixed with chilling sound effects that can be customized and sent for free to loved ones. I wish everyone a Happy Halloween and hope they have fun in the virtual terror."

Users can invite and surprise their loved ones to their spooky Halloween party to enjoy and celebrate. Users are offered invitation cards around 12 categories including some animated ones carrying thrilling and figure biting experiences.

The most popular categories on 123Greetings.com, to choose cards from, are Happy Halloween, spine chilling fun, thank you, bewitched lovers and haunted houses. Users prefer sending chilling and scary wishes over trick or treat greetings from the website.

One of the trending cards this season is 'Jack-o'-lantern' where you can carve out a wish for your friend and relative. Some other cards display witches frightening the recipient with haunted house and magical spells being suddenly lit to expose dancing skeletons.

Virtual reality

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