'The Perfect Insider' Anime Episode 6 Review: Saikawa And Nishinosono Decide To Solve The Murder

Episode 6 "Crimson Resolve"

Who killed Dr. Magata and Director Shindo?

It's important to know what questions you have before you can begin to solve a mystery. After the storm of last week, it appears that "The Perfect Insider" wants you to know that these are the questions, but they're still complicated by Nishinosono's confession, and Saikawa's refusal.

The complications between Nishinosono and Saikawa are probably my favorite part of "The Perfect Insider" because of how seamlessly they fit into the mystery plot itself. Everything reminds them of their preexisting relationship tension. It's both agonizing and wonderful to watch the two dance around the subject.

Thus, this week's episode was really satisfying when Nishinosono was finally able to convince Saikawa that their work together is the most important thing and that she needs him. It's easy to narrowly define their relationship as Nishinosono being young and naïve with Saikawa being aloof and deflective.

But in the subtlety of their discussion this week with the firecracker metaphor, you begin to see that their age gap concerns (Saikawa is thinking about what his life means, Nishinosono is still thinking what she wants her life to be) are only a part of their relationship dynamic.

The rest is just their personality quirks.

Either way, we'll have several more episodes to see what happens with their relationship, as now they are energized to solve the mystery.

With the renewed focus, the episode speeds right into making sense of the clues left behind by Dr. Magata. In addition, the audience finally gets to see the murder that has seemingly caused the entire situation.

We finally see how Magata murdered her parents at the age of fifteen.

Overall, this week's episode of "The Perfect Insider" is another example of how well this series balances physical and emotional conflict while sustaining the tension of the mystery. There's no doubt in my mind that "The Perfect Insider" will remain watchable for the rest of the season as it has already sustained amazing execution through six episodes.

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