'Captain Marvel Cast Update: Ronda Rousey, Sienna Miller And Olivia WIlde Favorites To Play Carol Danvers?

The search for "Captain Marvel" cast intensifies as another popular actress expresses interest on the role of Carol Danvers.

This time, it's "Sniper" star Sienna Miller who wants to take on her mantle. In a report by Food World News, the actress was a bit surprised when she was asked about the role.

"Captain Marvel? Is that a girl?" Miller said. Although she doesn't know much about the said role, she said that she would love to do it for her kid.

"I'm not a person who reads a lot of comics and I don't really know that world, particularly well...but I think it would be quite fun -- for my kid as well. She'd like it."

However, if she really wants the role, she would need to fight for it as other celebrities want the role badly as well. One of them is UFC's women champ, Ronda Rousey, who, time and time again, has expressed her eagerness to play the role.

Rousey, told Entertainment Tonight that she's hoping Disney will consider her for the role. She said, "Hopefully by the time 'Captain Marvel' comes around, I will have enough skills and experience in the field for them to seriously consider me."

Meanwhile, Olivia Wilde wants the role for herself and she said she would bring plenty of new things to the character.

"Marvel has been so smart about casting unexpected people for these roles. Look at what Robert Downey brought to Iron Man. A real, dry sense of humor and a complexity to his hero balance," Wilde said via Cinema Blend.

"The thing with female superheroes is that, in order to be powerful, they are flawless. The idea of kick-ass power lacks a certain nuance, at times. There is something to be said for a female director working to create a female superhero that perhaps [has] a little more complexity," she added.

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