Limp Bizkit Back In The Studio For New Album? What Caused Its Delay?

Fans of Limp Bizkit are still waiting for the new album after reports about their progress stopped a few months back. It is still unclear if the band is continuing with the process of their record or not.

Guitarist Wes Borland, however, recently gave an update of their progress in a Team Rock interview. In the report, he stated how singer Fred Durst have been giving everything he has to finish the recording of the vocal tracks, which was believed to be the last step of the recording process.

"Fred has been working on vocals in his home studio nonstop for months and months," Borland said.

He also revealed how they have more than two dozen songs lined up that he keeps on repeating since early this year.

"He's told me that he's almost finished, but I don't know what amount of the 28 songs has been finished," he added. I know that he re-records and trashes vocals all the time."

"I don't know, I think he's in a mode where he's liking something that he's doing and not liking other stuff," he added while still talking about the supposed new album from Limp Bizkit. "But I think he's just now starting to feel a lot more confident in what he's putting in the songs."

Borlan is trying to calm himself from his frustrations since the new Limp Bizkit album was initially set to come out in the early parts of 2015.

"To be blatantly honest about it, the new album has gone through so many different alterations and so many different session," he said. "I mean, we've gone into five different studios now. I think we're up to 28 songs, or maybe even more. And those are completed songs."

For now, it is still unknown as to when the band would come up with their record, but most fans say that it would be available in 2016.

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