'Star Wars Battefront' To Make Game Changes Based On Live Gameplay Feedback During Beta

"Star Wars Battlefront" makes some last minute fixes before the big day.

The "Star Wars" hype isn't dying down any time soon, especially since the showdate of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is already happening next month. The release of "Star Wars Battlefront" is the perfect buffer for fans and gamers before going into the theatres to see the seventh film installment into the space opera franchise.

Gamezone reported that EA and Dice have announced a series of game adjustments made on the game's recent beta. They have reportedly tweaked the partner and party system for a smoother gameplay. This makes it easier to joining a friend using the Xbox friends app and even see party friends in-game.

Vehicles and weapons have also been tweaked to make them more balanced where as both the AT-AT and AT-ST have had "weak spots" added to them for a more realistic approach.

On a video by Playstation Lifestyle, it was reported that general crash and stability have been tweaked. Also there is a ranked matchmaking system added into the game.

The heroes and villains have also been tweaked to make them more special, the automatic damage done to the heroes over time and the ability of getting health back after killing enemies have been removed. This allows for a more strategic gameplay rather than agressive ambushes on the heroes/villains.

"Star Wars Battlefront" is an upcoming action first and third shooter video game based on the successful "Star Wars" franchise. Players can battle in different planets, use differnt vehicles such as speederbikes and ships and even control different characters as well. At the beginning of the game players must choose between joining as a Rebel Alliance soldier or an Imperial Stormtrooper.

The game supports up to 40 different players in multiplayer mode and there will be up to 12 multiplayer maps available once the game has been released.

Star Wars
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars Battlefront

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