EXO's Baekhyun Wishes To Work With Fellow Members For A Long Time

EXO's Baekhyun revealed the never ending love he has for fellow members.

Taking part in the December issue of the fashion magazine Singles, both Baekhyun and Xiumin of EXO were appointed as the mag's coverboys.

In the midst of the interview with Singles, Baekhyun revealed his wishes for EXO's future.

"It still feels like a dream when I got to debut after trainee days," Baekhyun said. "I want to work with EXO members for a long time, and I want us to go up another step."

On the other hand, Xiumin talked about his acting career through his recent movie and drama.

"Singers look straight at the camera and sing. But for actors, it's the opposite. Because I worked with EXO for three years, whenever the red light flashes on a camera, I automatically look at it. (laughs) And I got yelled at a lot," he said.

Xiumin and Baekhyun became the last cover models of the year for Singles.

One staff member of Singles said, "They would look at each other and laugh but as soon as the filming started, they went into professional mode and posed for the camera."

Check out the full photo shoot and interview in the December issue of Singles magazine.


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