Today, Toho Animation began streaming a new trailer for the upcoming anime adaptation of the "Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion" light novel series. The trailer, available to view below, features a preview of the series protagonist Haruhiro in his new world of "Grimgal."
Alongside the trailer, the official website for the series revealed that the official "Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion" anime release date is confirmed for Jan. 10.
With the amount of light novels being adapted lately, it's certainly easy to get discouraged when a new one is announced. But one fan still has high hopes for the "Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion" anime.
"It's easy to get cynical about these light novel adaptations, but this one actually looks pretty interesting. I'm looking forward to it in spite of myself," said Darkmagick.
Anime News Network reports the following Japanese voice cast for "Grimgal of Fantasy and Ash ":
Yoshimasa Hosoya as Haruhiro
Daisuke Namikawa as Kikkawa
Fukushi Ochiai as Moguzo
Haruka Terui as Shihoru
Hiroki Yasumoto as Britney
Hiroyuki Yoshino as Ranta
Mamiko Noto as Barbara
Mikako Komatsu as Yume
Nobunaga Shimazaki as Manato
Tomokazu Seki as Renji
The "Grimgal of Fantasy and Ash" anime series will be written and directed by Ryosuke Nakamura. Meiko Hosoi will design the characters and A-1 Pictures will handle the animation production.
The original "Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion" light novel series was created by Ao Jumonji with illustrations by Eiri Shirai. The series was launched in 2013 and released its sixth novel on Oct. 25. Meanwhile, a new manga version was released earlier this year in April.
For those not familiar with the series, the official website for "Grimgal of Fantasy and Ash" describes the story of the anime as follows:
"Living, isn't easy. When Haruhito awakens, he's in the dark. He doesn't know where he is, why is he here, and where he came from. Around him there are several men and women who have the same circumstances.
It goes on:
"Together, they advance forward away from the darkness, and a world they've never seen before called 'Grimgar' spreads out before them. Memories, money, special powers - This is the reality we who have none of those things have obtained."