Chris Martin Too Busy For Girlfriend Annabelle Wallis Due To With Beyonce And Gwyneth Paltrow?

Chris Martin may be too busy for his new girlfriend Annabelle Wallis as he looks to release his new Coldplay album really soon. And with divas like Beyonce and his ex wife Gwyneth Paltrow also vying for his time, Annabelle Wallis may get the last pick on his schedule.

According to Just Jared, "Coldplay met up with James Corden the day before on The Late Late Show where they discussed how they ended up working with Beyonce on their new album, A Head Full Of Dreams."

When asked about what it was like collaborating with Beyonce, he said, "You get summoned to their castle, then you wait for about a week in a small room, where you're just fed very minimally...They check me for lice and bugs and if you're deemed clean enough, you get to meet Beyonce behind a screen."

What a joker, Chris Martin.

Coldplay lead singer may be on great terms with his ex wife Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn't mean that everyone is happy for them. As Annabelle Wallis is starting a new relationship with Chris Martin, she may be suspicious of their friendly act.

According to Vanity Fair, "Even as both have moved on to new relationships-Martin's dancing in streets with actress Annabelle Wallis, Paltrow's smooching producer Brad Falchuk-they've carried on a friendship, with Paltrow calling her ex "an incredibly good ex-husband and an amazing dad" and Martin writing songs about Paltrow called "Magic," for Goop's sake."

Taking everything into consideration, Chris and Gwyneth have not let the public down on the successes of their "conscious uncoupling", but the more this sustains, the more flabbergasted everyone gets!

He just may be the kind of man who wants everyone to be happy, which explains why in Coldplay's new album, both his ex wife Gwyneth Paltrow and his new girlfriend Annabelle Wallis are in the tracks. And, let's not forget, Beyonce.

Looks like Chris Martin can juggle a few ladies with no problem.

According to ABC, "In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Martin revealed his ex-wife's vocals will appear on Coldplay's forthcoming album, "A Head Full of Dreams."... Blue Ivy, Beyoncé's daughter, also appears on the album, as does Martin's new girlfriend, Annabelle Wallis."

Sounds like the only one missing from Coldplay's new album is Barack Obama and maybe Queen Elizabeth II.

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