Squatty Potty Outperforms Poo-Pourri With Unicorn Viral Video Despite 'Shark Tank' Advisor

Against the advice of the other Squatty Potty founders and "Shark Tank" investor-advisor Lori Greiner, the viral video featuring the scatological unicorn has completed turned the business around.

According to a recent report by AdWeek, the viral video conceived by Squatty Potty CEO Bobby Edwards has boosted sales by 600% in online sales and 400% in retail sales at the brand's partner, Bed Bath & Beyond.

"We're still bootstrapping it and we're very conscious of every marketing dollar we spend," said Edwards. "I thought the unicorn video had the recipe to be a viral success, but I didn't know it would become a phenomenon."

Purported as the "stool for better stools," the product initially made a splash last year on the ABC reality show "Shark Tank." Squatty Potty aims to improve our bathroom-going experience with a new posture.

According to producer of the viral video Jeffrey Harmon, the ice ceam usage was decided because it represented the "exact opposite of poop."

"One of the hard things about writing the script was coming up with enough ice cream metaphors that you could link in to poop in some way," said commercial writer Dave Vance according to NY Daily News.

A similar product was launched called the Poo-Pourri with a viral video called "Girls Don't Poop." While the video has garnered nearly 35 million views, it has taken nearly two years to do so.

Check out the two viral videos and decide for yourself how they compare.

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