'Game Of Thrones' Actor Teases Roose Bolton Death By Ramsay In Season 6? [SPOILERS]

The theory that Ramsay Bolton will meet his demise in "Game of Thrones" Season 6 has been brewing for some time, but an interview with actor Michael McElhatton is surely fanning the flame.

Back in July, McElhatton conducted an interview with Giga Serien & Filme, where he teased what fans can expect from "Game of Thrones" Season 6.

“There’s a storyline planted in which I have a new heir on the way," he said. "I think that’s going to cause some problems for Ramsay. And that’s going to play out probably in not very favorable terms.”

In November, a major Watchers on the Wall update provided a slew of spoilers regarding an upcoming battle currently filming in Northern Ireland, dubbed the "Battle of Six Armies."

As previously reported, the battle will yield heavy casualties, as at least two "known" characters will be burned upside down on X-crosses by Ramsay Bolton. Could one of them Roose Bolton?

There was also a later filming report putting a scene presumably after the battle which featured Sansa, Jon Snow, Ramsay Bolton and Littlefinger.

"The characters are interacting in Winterfell's courtyard and there's a great deal of tension," said the report. "And then a giant turns up at the gates! The giant tries to force its way in and the people inside have to fight it off."

At some point, it appears the presence of Roose becomes unknown. But only time will tell if Roose will be another "Game of Thrones" Season 6 casualty.

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