'One Piece' Chapter 810 Recap And 811 Prediction: Jack Returns To Zou For The Straw Hat Pirates?

'One Piece' chapter 810 just got released and it was a retelling of the events that transpired during Jack's siege on Zou.

Here's the chapter summary courtesy of Manga Spoilers. In this chapter, Jack's face was finally revealed and he was a humongous man wielding torture weapons.

The war between the Minks and Jack's men lasted for five days with endless reinforcement coming Jack's way. The Minks were able to hold their own against Kaido's henchmen but they simply can't beat Jack. When the fifth day arrived, Jack finally unveiled their secret weapon which is a gas weapon made by Caesar.

This instantly finished them off and next thing that happened, endless torture came the strong warrior's way. Even the two rulers, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, was helpless under Jack's presence and the carnage only stopped when Jack heard of Doflamingo's defeat.

Upon Jack's departure, the Curly Hat pirates arrived in the scene. They were horrified with what they saw and their attention was called by Pedro, asking them to heal Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, who lost their left arm and leg, respectively. The guardian further remarked that both can't die or something horrible will happen.

With that said, here are some fan predictions for "One Piece" chapter 811 courtesy of Oro Jackson.

User One King said that Wanda's flashback will continue and Jack will return to Zou upon hearing about the Straw Hat's arrival.

"Wanda keeps on telling the story about the situation of Zou and how the curly hats helped the minks by healing and taking care of the rest of the Kaidou crew that were remaining in Zou. In end the of the chapter we find out that Jack has heard what happen at Zou and is on his way back after taking care of his wounds/injuries he got from fighting the marines a few days earlier," the user wrote.

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