Watch 'One-Punch Man' Episode 12 With English Sub Here! LINK] Saitama Vs. Lord Boros Fight Commence!

Alas, the last episode of "One-Punch Man" season 1 is here and it will be the extreme showdown between Lord Boros and the caped baldy, Saitama.

For fans who want to watch the "One Punch Man" Episode 12 with English sub, fans can catch it here. Also, for those who wants to know the origins of Saitama's costume and the days when he still had hair, an OAV episode was released a few weeks ago and is called "One Punch Man: Road to Hero." Watch it here or here.

Last episode, the battle between the Class-S heroes and the alien group called the Dark Matter Thieves continue as Bang, Metal Bat and Atomic Samurai finally figured out how to defeat Melzalgald. Turns out, the blue crystals inside his body serves as his brain and the moment all of it is destroyed, he perishes as well.

Meanwhile, Saitama continues his advance inside the spaceship and he encounters Geryganshoop, one of the strongest fighters in the alien's roster. He begins to show off but Saitama wasn't impressed at all. Eventually, he kills it with his devastating punch. At the end of the episode, Saitama finally meets Lord Boros. As he punches the boss, he was shocked that it survived his punch!

Next episode will be the conclusion of their fight. Will Saitama reveal something that he has yet to show in the entire series?

Meanwhile, despite this episode being the last, fans are positive that this massively popular anime will get a season 2. In fact, the creator of the remake, Yusuke Murata said that he will do his best to make "One-Punch Man" season 2 a reality in his Twitter account.

Would you like a "One-Punch Man" season 2? Sound off in the comment box below.

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