Calum Hood Gets New Tattoos, 5SOS Fans Guess Meaning With Girlfriend Jennifer Phipps In Mind

Calum Hood got a bunch of new tattoos. Since he loves to collect these body etchings, 5SOS fans have been persing behind the meaning of these new tattoos with inspirations from his former girlfriend Jennifer Phipps and other social gossip.

According to Sugarscape, "when Calum Hood off of 5 Seconds of Summer was spotted rocking not one, not two, but THREE new tattoos - obviously the 5SOSfam lost just a tiny bit of their shit... The ankle tatts apparently read 'R' and 'L' for 'Right' and 'Left' - just in case he forgets which direction is which, we assume. As for the other two inkings, they were spotted in a fan's Snapchat vid - one the 5SOS tally of dreams (vintage) (matching with Ash) (feels), and another reading ALIVE."

With all that drama going on about 5SOS boys having sex with fans on tour, Calum Hood has been turning to self expression to limit controversial rumor around him. Apart from his three new tattoos, he has also changed up his hairstyle.

5SOS bassist revealed that his new hairstyle was inspired by the Australian climate. According to Twist Magazine, Calum Hood admitted, "Yeah, I just shaved it. It's very hot in Australia, so I was just like 'I don't want to deal with this."

A very simple solution to a very complex theorizing by the 5SOS fans!

But the fact that he may have had sex with 5SOS fans on tour has shocked all his listeners. His bandmate Luke Hemmings went on to spill the beans about their promiscuous lifestyle on tour.

According to Metro, "Hemmings says... They were wildest on their early tours, when they'd go to bars to mingle with fans after shows. "When you put four young dudes on a tour bus, playing theaters, then arenas, you're going to have sex with a lot of girls, I guess," says Hemmings. "We had a good time." Multiple girls in one night? "I feel like I shouldn't say," he says with a smirk. "You could say the possibility of that is high." Multiple girls at the same time? "The possibility is high," he says again. He cracks a devilish grin. "The possibilities are endless.""

Do you think Calum Hood is about any of the 5SOS fans he might have bedded during the tour? Let me know in the comments below!

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