Winds Of Winter Release Date: George R.R. Martin Admits Next ‘Game Of Thrones’ Book Is Not Finished' And HBO Is ‘Disappointed’; Will Martin Call In Neil Gaiman As Co-Writer?

Winds Of Winter Release Date: George R.R. Martin revealed that he has not completed work on the next installment of his epic saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" in a post on his Live Journal.

There are rumors that Martin wants to bring in a co-author to finish "The Winds Of Winter."

The latest rumors have it that "The Sandman" and "Good Omens Bad Omens" author Neil Gaiman will be co-authoring "The Winds of Winter."

"The Winds of Winter is not finished," Martin told fans in a year-end update of the sixth A Song of Ice and Fire book.

"Believe me, it gave me no pleasure to type those words," Martin wrote.

"You're disappointed, and you're not alone. "My editors and publishers are disappointed, HBO is disappointed, my agents and foreign publishers and translators are disappointed... but no one could possibly be more disappointed than me. For months now I have wanted nothing so much as to be able to say, 'I have completed and delivered The Winds of Winter' on or before the last day of 2015. But the book's not done."

Martin confirmed that "The Winds of Winter" will not be out before "Game of Thrones" season 6 premieres earlier this month.

"I am months away still... and that's if the writing goes well. (Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn't.) Chapters still to write, of course... but also rewriting. I always do a lot of rewriting, sometimes just polishing, sometimes pretty major restructures," Martin wrote.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Martin visited his alma mater, Northwestern University, to get received an award for being inducted into the Hall of Achievement. Martin told the press he didn't "actually think" the show would catch up with the books.

Martin reminded people that he started the book in 1991which gave him a 17-year head start over "Game of Thrones."

George R.R Martin previously said "Winds of Winter" would be released sometime in early 2016.

"I don't see anyone else ever writing (legally) in that universe," Martin told a fan who asked if other writers could help at a book signing event for "The Expanse," by James S.A. Corey, a pseudonym used by novelists Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck.

Hollywood witch Marie Bargas threw some cards on the Game of Thrones cast and discovered that Sansa Stark is a Queen of Swords.

There are rumors that Martin wants to bring in a co-author to finish "The Winds Of Winter."

Winds of Winter release date

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