Jessa Duggar Counters ‘Immodest’ Picture On Instagram With More Baby And Ben Seewald Photo

Jessa Duggar countered an “immodest” picture on Instagram by bombarding her feed with cute pictures of her baby with his daddy Ben Seewald. Seeing how Instagram pictures get forgotten as soon as a new one gets uploaded, this was a smart move on Jessa Duggar’s part.

Turns out that “the 23-year-old new mom is taking some surprising flak for this photo of baby Spurgeon. It seems some folks objected to the sight of little Spurge's legs in the above pic, and they made their feelings clear on Jessa's IG page,” according to the Hollywood Gossip.

If people think exposing baby’s legs to the public is “immodest”, then they have much bigger issues to deal wtih.

But this brief Instagram scandal is forgotten as Jessa Duggar has uploaded a lot more cute pictures of her baby with Ben Seewald. Spurgeon and his daddy go well together!

But recently, it came into light that Jessa Duggar may be hiding the fact that she has a gay cousin with cute baby Instagram videos. Since Jessa’s family is very much against homosexuality and other progressive issues, it’s very likely that she has been using her Instagram talents to hide drama.

“The Duggars definitely have a gay cousin in their family who has been hiding in the closet. He is not a blood relative, but was adopted by his parents, who are cousins with the Duggars,” according to a source from the Hollywood Gossip.

But posting so many pictures and videos of her baby on Instagram means that the public is at a position where it is comparing her baby with her sister Jill’s. With their baby boys cropping up with every Instagram update, the two sisters have been battling the cuteness of their babies out on social media.

She Knows ran an article about Jessa Duggar’s baby son with the headline reading, “Jessa Duggar gets a much better reaction to new baby pics than Jill.”

That’s some pretty clear lines on the baby battle here.

Jessa Duggar
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