Watch 'Myriad Colors Phantom World' Episode 7 Live Stream Free Online

Courtesy of Crunchyroll, a new episode of "Myriad Colors Phantom World" is now streaming online. Episode seven is entitled "Schrodinger's Cat Mansion" and can be streamed for free online using website links provided below.

Watch "Myriad Colors Phantom World" Episode 7 Here


This week's episode begins with Haruhiko explaining Schrodinger's Cat to Ruru. The next day in class, everyone seems to be falling asleep for some reason. Haruhiko thinks it has to do with circadian rhythms being off due to rainy season. Things get weirder with everyone at school also suddenly eating fish for lunch.

Minase hears the sound of a cat and finds the infamous cat mansion. According to Mai, it was once an old dorm turned cat sanctuary that was eventually made off limits because of the danger from the deteriorating building. Everyone seems to be displaying the behavior of cats.

Kurumi asks the club to help her find her friend's missing cat Rudolph. The group goes out to put up flyers for the missing cat and are suddenly distracted by the smell of cat food snacks. Ruru also teases them with a cat toy. Meanwhile, Minase is on the hunt for a cat phantom at the mansion.

The next day, many of the kids have begun to sport cat ears and tails. Minase tells the others about the possibility of the cat phantom and they all head to the mansion. Kurumi thinks that she hears Rudolph so they search the mansion for Rudolph, however, as they go on, everything keeps changing making the hallways and stairs seem endless.

Finally, the giant phantom cat appears and Minase and Mai spring to action. However, the cat appears to be part of the mansion and they are trapped inside. After Reina and Kurumi do some convincing on part of the phantom, Rudolph is returned and the cat ears and tails disappear. Everything is restored to normal.

Reina suggests that they clean up the mansion so that the phantom will be happier.

Fans can also watch "Myriad Colors Phantom World" episode seven here.

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