Watch 'Dragon Ball Super' Episode 32 Live Stream Free Online

Courtesy of fan sub teams, a new episode of "Dragon Ball Super" is now streaming online with English subtitles. Episode 32 is entitled "The Matches Begin! Everyone Head to the Nameless Planet" and can be streamed for free online using website links provided below.

Watch "Dragon Ball Super" Episode 32 Here


Goku and Vegeta spar against each other as a last minute effort to train before the tournament begins. Goku is still curious about Beerus' fighter Monaka.

Whis picks up all of the people from Earth who will be attending the tournament. Goku and Vegeta are late - the time difference confused them. Krillin is the last to arrive. They all board Whis' spaceship and head out to pick up Beerus and Monaka.

Goku gets his wish and finally gets to meet Monaka. Monaka is a small pink man with really large nipples. Goku wants to fight him and punches him to test his strength. Monaka is caught off guard and Beerus makes Goku apologize. They all board Whis' ship and Chi-Chi grills food for everyone.

On their way to the tournament, everyone gets to see the super dragon balls, which are indeed the size of planets. Everyone marvels at the tournament arena and then Champa and Beerus engage in some trash talk. Bulma complains about the seats and Beerus uses it as another excuse to make fun of Champa. Whis makes some new seats and everyone splits up - fighters and spectators.

All of the fighters meet and Vegeta and Goku get to meet a saiyan from a different universe. The fighters must take an intelligence test, and Majin Boo is eliminated immediately because he sleeps through the test. Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo play rock, paper, scissors to decide the fighting order.

After an underwhelming opening ceremony song, Goku is the first up to fight for Beerus' team.

Fans can also watch "Dragon Ball Super" episode 32 here.

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