‘Magi – The Labyrinth of Magic’ Chapter 301 Spoilers; Aladdin’s Reason For Hiding Revealed!

Chapter 300 of "Magi - The Labyrinth of Magic' is already online through Manga Park. The latest chapter continues the story arc of Alibaba's quest to help save the Kou Empire from its massive debt against Sinbad.

Before any speculations and predictions on what could happen in the upcoming chapters, here's the latest recap of the events in the popular manga.

Alibaba visited Reim Empire which is currently under the ruling of Titus and Muu. The leaders have agreed to create trade relations with the Kou Empire through Alibaba and the discussion of trade relations then led to an update on Aladdin's location.

Muu revealed that Aladdin's presence could be felt from time to time through her metal vessels although it was noted that Aladdin's choice of hiding was far more than just hiding from Alibaba.

Alibaba also met his former comrades: Alon, Yon, Bror and Birgit. They now work for the Empire as gladiators after the war is over. It was also revealed that Toto and Olba are married with two kids. This piece of information made Alibaba miserable which made it worst when the group revealed that Morgiana is with Hakuryuu.

But even with the situation, Alibaba continued to confirm the trade relations. He also recruited his former comrades to work for him considering their previous experience in Kou. The chapter ends with the group proceeding to Parthevia Empire where Alibaba feels he might learn something about Aladdin.

The upcoming chapter would be pivotal to the story not only for Alibaba and Aladdin but even with the status of the International Alliance. Alibaba might not find Aladdin but he will learn more about his friend and his reason for hiding might be connected with the International Alliance.

 User Hayatempest of Manga Helpers predicts that Alibaba is going to meet Arbakuei soon, "It seems Alibaba is going to meet Arbakuei in the next chapter and I expect Sinbad will turn him down or disappoint him." This meeting should lead to more information about Sinbad, Kou Empire's trade relations and possibly Aladdin.

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