‘Clash Royale’ Tips and Tricks; Counter Attacks, Balanced Decks and Average Elixir Costs

"Clash Royale" is one of the most popular mobile games in the world today. Even though the game is less than six months from its initial release, it is already considered a top grossing game in iOS. According to Venture Beat, "a brand new game, Supercell's Clash Royale fortress-battle title, has become No. 1 in the U.S. - not only on the top downloads chart but also on the top-grossing list on the iOS App Store."

The hint of familiarity combined with entertaining game play has made "Clash Royale" a must download for those who want to enjoy some one-on-one battle in their spare time.

But newbies don't have to rely on beginners' luck to post wins in the game. There are simple, yet very important tips to enjoy early victories in this highly addictive game for Android and iOS.

Everything boils down to the right deck. For beginners, it's always a good idea to a deck focused on four factors: splash damage, single damage decks, melee and range attack decks. Every player should learn how to mix them and take advantage of their features. User Eternal625 at Super Cell forum provides a great insight on how to combine decks with different capabilities.

Smart use of elixir is also a very important factor in the game. A player should always take note of "Average Elixir Cost" indicated on the deck page. A high AEC means the player could call on powerful cards but in a very slow pace. According to 2p.com, "please try to build a deck with average cost between 3.5 and 4.5 since it's either too week or too slow."

Last but not the least, a player should always ensure that the counter attack should be more powerful than the initial attack. A powerful counter attack ensures that the deck still survives to proceed to the tower and deal adequate damage.

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