Are Leonardo DiCaprio And Rihanna Getting Close? How Will Drake Take This News?

''Titanic'' famed star Leonardo DiCaprio had been maintaining a low profile lately. However, recently he re-united with Rihanna at a party which got the gossip mills churning stories.

The last time DiCaprio was in news was in the beginning of the year when he reunited with his ''Titanic'' co-star Kate Winslet at the Golden Globe award ceremony. Also there was a video which was doing rounds when DiCaprio just raised his eyebrows when Lady Gaga brushed past him in the event.

''Leonardo DiCaprio and Rihanna were photographed together at the Neon Carnival, an annual, star-studded, after-hours party near the 2016 Coachella music festival in California Saturday, its second day. The 41-year-old Oscar winner wore dark aviator sunglasses, a baseball cap and a handkerchief tied around his neck, while the 28-year-old singer sported silver sparkling sunglasses. DiCaprio was seen speaking into Rihanna's ear as they stood in the noisy crowd'' reported E online.

Recently there were rumors of Rihanna dating Drake. There were even rumors of the singer going back to her Ex- Chris Brown. So are DiCaprio and Rihanna just friends? Or are there possibilities of something greater? This is not the first time they were spotted together. In Jan. 2015, the duo was spotted ''flirting at a friend's birthday bash at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles.''

So is Rihanna trying out actors now as she had enough of singer partners? Her alleged relationship with Jay-Z also did not see the daylight for long. On the other hand she is all set to do a world tour and Big Sean too will be a part of the ''Anti'' world tour. Are there possibilities of any romantic fling between the two singers?

However, tickled did a great story on ''9 Crazy On-Set Stories About Leonardo DiCaprio.'' Since the memories of this talented actor's Oscar win for ''The Revenant'' is still fresh in the minds of the fans, they also wanted to know more about the filming of this movie. ''But most people don't know that during filming, he compromised his vegetarian values to bite a raw cow liver. In the scene where DiCaprio was sharing a dead buffalo with another actor, the props department handed him a fake liver.''

"The gelatin one didn't look right to me. It wasn't bleeding the right way when I was biting into it," DiCaprio said. So he finally bit into the real meat. So that is the level of dedication this veteran actor has.

So are the celebrities busy with their respective careers only, or are there any possibilities of hooking up? Kpopstarz will bring more insights into the budding relationship of DiCaprio and Rihanna.

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