Google Project Ara Release Date Further Delayed: Here Is What We Know So Far

The latest gadget lovers are waiting for the release of Google's flagship phone Project Ara for a long time now. The rumors talk about the release in May. 2016, however the official website does not have any updates.

YHM had captured the development phase of this phone in a chronological order. ''The concept is a simple one -- you buy a basic model Ara phone and all the bits can be pulled off and swapped as you see fit'' is the mantra of this phone as mentioned in the article.

''This model is very similar to their revolutionary Google play for apps. Developers across the globe develop apps and anyone can download them to their phones and customise many features'' clarified the description of this phone. ''The same will be true of many other components of this flagship Project Ara phone, including things like memory, display panels, physical keyboards, sensors and scanners, ports, modems and wireless modules, and much, much more'' will be the ease of using.

After several failures during the testing phase, it was reported sometime in Feb. 2016 that the development phase is now going successfully. ''Google project Ara is named after its co-founder, Ara Knaian'' and under her leadership, it is now being tested for all the functionalities which can be replaced anytime. This phone which is based on the open source model will be revolutionary in the field of any electronic gadgets.

As per the last update, the phone is almost ready and will be launched in May. 2016. Cnet has a video about the latest features of this very innovative modular smartphone. Computerworld reported in Mar. 2016 that the phone is in the making. It says that the phone is now showing some ''signs of life'' as there is a new e-mail address on the official website. However, today when we checked the official website, it just shows a black page with a logo.

Earlier there were pages on the official site ''where developers could download software development kits and request spiral boards on which modules could be tested.'' Earlier on the official website there was a message regarding the limited pilot. However, that message too is gone.

So it looks like the team is keeping it under the cover for the time being and we will have to wait for the official launch. Last year in an article, Irish Examiner too had confirmed that the phone will be released in 2016. Tune in to more updates on this upcoming phone and share your views here.

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