‘Rock Band 4’ Multiplayer Online Video Game To Get New Features: Here Is What The Devs Have To Say

''Rock Band 4'' is a music video game which is developed by Harmonix. It was first released on Oct. 6, 2015.

As per the latest updates, there will be future updates released for Rock Band 4. Gospelherald confirmed that ''Rock Band 5'' will not be available very soon. ''One of the upcoming additions in Rock Band 4 is synchronous online multiplayer mode. Many gamers were disappointed with the lack of online multiplayer option since Rock Band 3 had that feature. In a Harmonix panel at PAX EAST 2016, GameSpot reported the crowd went wild when this new addition was announced'' clarified the article.

The gameplay of ''Rock Band 4'' is based on the previous games in the series and the long-term players initially had raised the concerns about shortcomings. In the game the player or group of players use ''special instrument-based controllers or microphones'' and they mimic playing the instruments. They score points by following scrolling cues on the screen and they attempt to play the song. This game was designed keeping the aspiring musicians and music lovers in mind.

In 2015, Gamespot had released an article with the details of this version 4. "We're excited to extend our agreement with Harmonix, and are confident that Mad Catz' global sales force, distribution channels, and retail marketing expertise will deliver the retail success we believe Rock Band 4 will achieve in 2015 and beyond," Mad Catz president and chief executive officer Darren Richardson said.

While giving updates about the issues in the latest game, Harmonix community manager Criss Burki wrote on the PlayStation Blog post. "[We] want a more fluid process for choosing songs together as a band (you all know that one person who would pick a song before you had the chance)," wrote Burki.

''Hi everyone! Rock Band 4 is getting a major feature added to the game this year, and it'll allow you to literally rock the world'' the article on PlayStation Blog post further claimed. Now since Mad Catz will be responsible for worldwide retail sales, promotion, and distribution for ''Rock Band 4'' the game and its hardware bundles, can the company expect better returns after the new features are added to this game?

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