New Report Revealed Possible Treatment For Skin Cancer; ‘Lucky Genes’ May Also Help

A new study revealed that scientists have found a new possible treatment for skin cancer, which causes cells to rapture and eventually kill the cancer cells.

In a report by The Sacramento Bee, a new treatment called the oncolytic virus therapy was used on a patient by Dr. Jose Lutzky of the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Fla., which battled the bad cells in the skin.

According to the report, the new treatment is a sort of a modified live herpes virus that is directly injected to the melanoma lesions in the skin. The vaccine then multiplies inside the cancer cell, which eventually destroys the cell.

Another treatment revealed in the news is called the Mohs surgery. As stated by the source, Dr. Frederic Mohs discovered this cure by removing all cells microscopically.

Each skin layer, usually on the face, ears or anywhere above the neck, is progressively removed until the cancer-free tissues are the only ones left.

This treatment is said to be one of the most common especially with the use of layers that could make things easier for dermatologists.

In other news, a report by the University of Southern California revealed that having "sunscreen gene" or being lucky enough to have this kind of gene could help protect you from skin cancer.

According to the research, this kind of gene, which is also called "UV radiation Resistance Associated Gene," could eliminate a tumor, preventing any cancer cells from forming.

"If we understand how this UV-resistant gene functions and the processes by which cells repair themselves after ultraviolet damage, then we could find targets for drugs to revert a misguided mechanism back to normal conditions," Chengyu Liang, the associate professor of molecular microbiology and immunology in USC revealed.

With skin cancer or Melanoma mostly revealed to have developed from bad UV radiation exposure, which kills over 10,000 people a year, scientists have been carefully studying about the possible and fast cures for the illness to hope to get rid of the unwanted cells from developing.

"Our study suggests that the UV-resistant gene may serve as a biomarker for skin cancer prevention," Liang added.

Good News Network, furthermore reported how the skin cancer survival rate has jumped up from one percent up to as much as 40%.

According to the report, the higher percentage came from people developing skin cancer came from the emergence of different treatments including the oncolytic virus therapy or the Mohs surgery.

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