'Mortal Kombat X' Mobile Cheats Released! Tips On How Build Perfect Teams And Gold Characters Discussed

Avid gamers who are looking for new "Mortal Kombat X" mobile cheats to help get gold characters and build perfect teams are in for a great surprise.

New cheats were released by Heavy showing a concise information on how to build the best team out there.

However, a player should take note that all characters being played should be included in the same group in order for the cheats to be effective.

A player's knowledge in various characters' types and categories plays a big role in building a perfect "Mortal Kombat X" team.

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Outworld, Martial Artist, Saurian, Spec Ops and Oni, these are the types of characters that a player should know.

To be able to win against the opponents, Heavy shared examples on how to achieve the team's full potential.

"The Shirai Ryu card gifts +5-percent attack power for fellow Martial Arts types. Plus, Troopers aid their fellow Spec Ops characters with the same boost," the publication said noting that this should be done until the end.

A player should not move on haste to make sure that he's not slimming his chances of winning.

Instead, a player could just play previous stages over and over again to help its characters gain more power and experience.

And by reaching the third tower, opponents will be better equipt as it reaches the silver category. So make sure that the characters you are playing are not in bronze category.

Next, it is wise to save Koins for more important upgrades like support cards that can help the construction of a perfect team.

"If you have a team full of Saurian characters then you'll need to cop an item like 'Saurian Cunning.' Specific characters come with their own Support cards (such as Scorpion, as evidenced by the pic seen above). You can purchase a Support card while you're looking at character in your team if you'd like. Don't forget that you can fuse two of the same Support types together to make your main one stronger."

In order to get gold characters, a player could use Saving Souls to acquire Kombat Packs.

For more of "Mortal Kombat X" cheats, keep tuning in here at Kpopstarz.

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