‘Hunter X Hunter’ Chapter 354 And 355 Spoilers Revealed: TV Series Aired On Toonami With English Dub

The happiness of the ''Hunter X Hunter'' fans of manga series knows no bounds now since Yoshihiro Togashi is back from his hiatus and is publishing the chapters every week. The TV series which is being aired on Toonami too has many fans and the dubbed version is gaining popularity.

Mangapanda has the chapter 354 which is named as ''Head'' and chapter 355 which is named as ''Explosion'' uploaded. Chapter 354 was released on May. 19, 2016 and chapter 355 on May. 26, 2016. Mangafreak too has the entire chapter uploaded for the viewers to read.

Myanimelist has the list of readers who have uploaded their comments after reading the chapter. ''Huh, Hisoka still holding on his own. I'm surprised at how far he's come now in this fight..wonder how much longer it will stretch during this arc. Seems like he's somewhat off about fighting Chrollo with his possibilities as his enemy is still one step ahead of him'' was the view of the reader Stark700 for chapter 354.

''Am I the only one who wants this fight to end already, so that they can come back to the new world context?'' is what renanmil, another reader wrote about chapter 354. After reading chapter 355, ''Holy shit Hisoka's expressions. And this is why I love Togashi's art'' was the reaction of reader Mikasa. ''Raw is out so I didn't understand shit but seems Hisoka won. Hisoka's fingers get obliteratedafter he seemingly goes Razor on Chrollo's ass with those throws. (He grabs a head by the nostrils)'' Mikasa added further.

HNGN came up with updates regarding the streaming of the TV series on Toonami. ''After Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump" announced mid-March that "Hunter x Hunter" would be making its return to the magazine (confirmed for April 18) after being on hiatus since 2014, fans in America now have even more to look forward to, as Adult Swim's Toonami revealed that an English dub for the series will be aired on the network starting April 16'' is what the article had to say.

Watch more updates on the upcoming chapters here.

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