‘Hunter X Hunter’ Chapter 356 And 357 Spoilers Revealed: Who Will Win The Deathmatch Between Chrollo And Hisoka?

Now since the ''Hunter X Hunter'' has started coming up with regular weekly manga chapters, the fans are waiting for the release of the TV series which is on a long hiatus. Since Toonami has started streaming the TV series with English dubs, the expectation among the fans is increasing regarding the release of the anime series with the new chapters.

Mangapanda has the chapter 356 which is named as ''Disappointment'' and chapter 357 which is named as ''Disappointment (002)'' uploaded. Chapter 356 was released on June. 2, 2016 and chapter 357 on June. 9, 2016. Mangafreak too has the entire chapter uploaded for the viewers to read.

Myanimelist has the list of readers who have uploaded their comments after reading the chapter. 'Damn, this fight really dragging. Hisoka taking a loss at his leg as well...Not dead yet but another cliffhanger. I have a feeling he might use another ability or something to save himself. Who knows.'' was the view of the reader Stark700 for chapter 356.

''Hisoka lost a leg, and I wonder if it's gonna get even more complex from here on out.'' was the reaction of reader Mikasa after reading chapter 356. "Hunter X Hunter" Chapter 357 will entirely focus on the deathmatch between Chrollo and Hisoka. The end of the episode will show Hisoka losing consciousness, dying and Chrollo asking the spiders to clean up the mess of his wrecked body'' was the excerpt posted on Movie News Guide for the spoilers of chapter 357.

''The previous chapter showed Hisoka apparently being overwhelmed by the puppets created by Chrollo. While the former continued to use his Bungee Gum attacks to bring down his opponents, the latter used his exploding puppets to take out Hisoka's leg and fingers. The last few frames of chapter 356 saw Chrollo's puppets rushing toward the fallen fighter. He utters, "Well, I guess... if I'm gonna.. die anyway," before an explosion ends the chapter'' was the speculation posted on ecumenicalnews.

So now since the fight between Hisoka and Chrollo is intensifying, watch more updates on the upcoming chapters here.

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