K-Pop songs that aren’t about love – Epik High, Sunny Hill, Got7, Glam

Because of Kitti B's new song, I was reminded of some K-Pop songs that aren't entirely about oppas and noonas or relationships. Love songs are also great songs but with many songs that are about love, songs that aren't about them really do stand out.

Epik High - Most rap songs aren't really about love but most of them are just about boasting something or partying. Now, most Epik High songs aren't really like that because they have relevant meanings. I can put most of Epik High's discography but that would be too long. My personal favorite is their song "Rich" featuring Tae Yang of Big Bang. Another favorite is "Amor Fati" featuring Kim Jong Wan of Nell. I really love how honest and relatable Epik High songs are. You know they aren't just a hip-hop/rap group who brag about what they, what can they do and what they have achieved.

Sunny Hill - Now, Sunny Hill has debuted way back in 2007. However, they only made songs that are socially aware during 2012. Sunny Hill released a series of songs with great meanings and amazing music videos. "The Grasshopper Song", "Is The White Horse Coming" and "Pray" are all songs with deep meanings and the first two are songs that criticizes the Korean community.

Glam - this girl group released a very meaningful song before disbanding. "In Front Of The Mirror" is a really good song lyrics wise and music wise. It is about self depreciating and appreciating.

Got7 - not all of their songs have deep meaning but "Just Right" has a really nice meaning. It is very uplifting and it can help someone have confidence especially if GOT7 members are the one singing it to you.

Special mentions are Amber's solo song "Borders, Lee Hi's "Breathe", Akdong Musician's "Melted" and Tasha's "Black Happiness".

Do you know any songs? Comment them down below!

Epik High
Sunny Hill

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